

On March 8th, 2019, AIS Kemang campus celebrated International Women’s Day with students and teachers dressed in the traditional colours of green and purple. Students brought in a total of Rp. 6,811,000 in donations, which AIS will donate to the Cisarua Refugee Learning Centre for their women’s classes. The CRLC is one of AIS Kemang’s community partners.

In assembly, Years 3/4M and 4A reminded us of how special the women are at our school and in our community. We celebrated International Women’s Day by looking at some of the amazing talents of just some of the women we meet every day. Did you know we have a talented black-belt Tae Kwon Do nurse, a tractor-driving Foundation teacher and a boxing-ring potential medalist who teaches Year 6? And that, is only the start!

The students rewarded all the amazing women in their quiz with a song before presenting them with a crown and some flowers. Unfortunately they could not give every woman in the room a crown, but reminded us to acknowledge and celebrate all the women in our families and home communities over the weekend.

Preschool students made cards for the Wonder Women in their homes. 

Year 6 students watched some short videos and were asked to draw a number of people from different occupations. Most students drew a police person as male; a surgeon as male; a ballet dancer as female and a boss as male. This was an interesting starting point for a discussion about how we consider different gender roles and whether in 2019 there really is equality. Here’s what some the students thought about the activity:

“I believe that after doing this, more people should focus on both genders not just one. People should stop stereotyping people.” Bodan

“After this activity, I realised how I wasn’t thinking equally and I think everyone in our class will now start to think equally about both genders.” Mia

“After watching a video ‘Like a Girl’ today, I think saying ‘…like a girl’ is not an insult but a compliment to all girls. “ Troy

In Art class, Year 1 students have been studying warm and cool colours. They brainstormed other words for cool and then used cool colours to make an artwork of a cool woman in their life using pencils and water colour paint.