Escape To Book Week Parade

Escape To Book Week Parade

Book Week 2017 was a fabulous success. Children from Pre-school to Year 6 got together in a week long celebration of all things books. This year’s event was linked to the CBCA (Children’s Book Council of Australia) theme: “Escape to Everywhere”. Such a wonderful theme, as that's exactly what books allow us to do… Without leaving the room (or even our seats), we are able to travel to the farthest places in the world and beyond!

The main hall was transformed into a ‘departure lounge’ library showcasing books that the children have worked so hard on over the year. The writing, illustration and imagination within these books were outstanding and each one took us on amazing adventures. Watching the children eagerly share their books with their friends was heartwarming, especially in an age where the simple activity of reading books is fast losing out to screen time.

The fun continued with lots of exciting activities including book quizzes, drawing competitions and DEAR (Drop Everything And Read). The week culminated in the fabulous Book Week Parade, where children dressed up their favourite book character. And it was wonderful to see characters from the classics being brought to life.

I would like to thank everyone who took part in this year’s success. The week certainly brought the attention of books and the joy of being absorbed into book, to the children and the wider community. Keep Reading!

‘There is more treasure in books than in all the Pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.’ -  Walt Disney