Living in Indonesia

Living in Indonesia

Let us know how we can help you relocate in Indonesia. Please do not hesitate to contact our Parents & Friends Committee or our Admission Team

  • Beyond the academic program, AIS also looks to support families re-locating to Indonesia. Our extended community – parents, teachers, school counsellors, admission office – are all looking forward to welcoming you to our campuses. Whether through a warm welcome over the telephone or an invitation to coffee or one of the school’s many social activities, our community is ready to extend help and support.
  • Below are some useful links to information on re-location to Indonesia as well as some helpful tips on settling into life as an expatriate family. Beyond this information, if you need suggestions for a new doctor, dentist, delicatessen or where to find home country embassy/consulates, please do not hesitate to contact our Parents & Friends Committee or our Admission team.
      This site provides useful and practical information about expatriate life in Indonesia to ease your transition including information on housing, schooling, leisure, medical, local travel, etc.
    • Embassies in Jakarta and Bali
      A complete listing of all embassies and consulates.
    • Traveloka
      A one-stop shop for your local travel needs